Memory device is Motorola 9S12XS256.
You can read Motorola 9S12XS256 with TMPro. Look at the pictures of the wiring diagram.
Expected file size is 8192 bytes.
- If Motorola is LOCKED, software will unlock it automatically before to read eeprom area.
Also you can synchronise engine ECU and immobox if they are not matched pair.
Procedure how to match BMW immobox and engine ECU:
1. Read eeprom area from MCU in engine ECU. You need tool that can read TRICORE MCU.
2. Connect EWS to TMPro box and start TMPro software.
3. Load engine ECU eeprom file in TMPro.
4. If file is recognised as “engine ECU file for BMW motorbikes EWS” – software 191 for BMW with normal key will be selected.
5. If your motorbike is keyless with push-start button – from drop-down menu please select manually software 198.
7. TMPro will open window for file loading.
8. Here you must select a file that you want to write into EWS:
– if you want to use your file for this EWS – select that file and press OK
– if file for EWS doesn`t matter – press Cancel. TMPro will use built-in in software EWS file
9. TMPro will transfer VIN and synchro data from ECU file to EWS file. Procedure for matching will begin.
10. At end of procedure TMPro will read eeprom area.
11. Program new transponder(s).
Job done.
Software can program:
- UNLOCKED BMW handsfree key.
- Texas Crypto 128-bit AES transponder.
Written handsfree key or transponder are ready programmed to start bike.
- In case you use transponder you must place it close to antenna for to start bike.
- In case you use handsfree key you must place it close to antenna for EWS to adopt it. Check the pictures for different antenna locations.
IMPORTANT NOTE 2: BMW motorbike EWS use 3 different frequencies – 434.42 MHZ , 433.92 MHz and 315 MHz.
- If you use VVDI BMW motorcycle remote key you must prepare it to right frequency before to program it with software.
- If remote key is with fixed frequency,it must be 100% same as shown on TMPro screen.
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
BMW: R1200GS, R1250GS, C400, F900
Important Information: Before purchasing the module, make sure you also have the TMPro2 Transponder Key Programmer. This module cannot function independently!