Memory device is Motorola 9S12XS256.
You can read Motorola 9S12XS256 with TMPro. Look at the pictures of the wiring diagram.
Expected file size is 8192 bytes.
- If Motorola is LOCKED, software will unlock it automatically before to read eeprom area.
Also you can synchronise engine ECU and immobox if they are not matched pair.
Software can program:
- UNLOCKED BMW handsfree key.
- Texas Crypto 128-bit AES transponder.
Written handsfree key or transponder are ready programmed to start bike.
- In case you use transponder you must place it close to antenna for to start bike.
- In case you use handsfree key you must place it close to antenna for EWS to adopt it. Check the pictures for different antenna locations.
IMPORTANT NOTE 2: BMW motorbike EWS use 3 different frequencies – 434.42 MHZ , 433.92 MHz and 315 MHz.
- If you use VVDI BMW motorcycle remote key you must prepare it to right frequency before to program it with software.
- If remote key is with fixed frequency,it must be 100% same as shown on TMPro screen.
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
BMW: R1200GS, R1250GS, C400, F900
Important Information: Before purchasing the module, make sure you also have the TMPro2 Transponder Key Programmer. This module cannot function independently!