Memory device is Motorola 9S12P128.
You can read Motorola 9S12P128 with TMPro. Look at the pictures of the wiring diagram.
NOTE: Around 30% of Motorola 9S12P128 in this immobox is locked and is not possible to be read. Please try to read Motorola before to order software.
Expected file size is 4096 bytes.
Use TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start bike.
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
KTM: Duke, 660, 990, 1050, 1190
Ducati: Panigale V2, Streetfighter V2
Important Information: Before purchasing the module, make sure you also have the TMPro2 Transponder Key Programmer. This module cannot function independently!