Memory device is ST72c334 SSOP44 package.
You can read ST72c334 with TMPro. Look at the pictures of the wiring diagram.
Expected file size is 256 bytes.
Use TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start the vehicle.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before to order this software: please check MCU in immobox. If MCU is not ST72c334 but is 72334/MBX or similar – it is LOCKED and cannot be read!
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Chevrolet: Lacetti, Optra
Daewoo: Nubira
LDV: Maxus
Important Information: Before purchasing the module, make sure you also have the TMPro2 Transponder Key Programmer. This module cannot function independently!