Memory device is ST10F269-T3 – 144 pins TQFP package or serial eeprom 95c320 / 95c640 SMD8 package.
For ST10F269-T3 expected file size is 256/262144/327680 bytes.
For serial eeprom expected file size is 4096 or 8192 bytes.
You must open throttle body for to reach and read memory device.
Reading of ST10F269-T3 is thru TMPro interface, view connection diagram.
Use TMPro chip or T5 transponder.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start bike.
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Piaggio: Beverly, Vespa, MP3
Gilera: Fuoco
NOTE: This software also supports files read with Advanced Scooter Workshop – NEXT (ASW-NEXT).
Important Information: Before purchasing the module, make sure you also have the TMPro2 Transponder Key Programmer. This module cannot function independently!