Memory device is serial eeprom 24c04 SMD8 package.
Expected file size is 512 bytes.
Software shows 5-digit PIN code.
Use TMPro chip or PCF7936 transponder or remote key with PCF7941.
Written transponder or remote key is ready programmed to start car.
Remote is also ready to operate ,no need OBD2 programming.
In case it doesn`t start to operate immediately – program it by OBD2 and PIN code.
NOTE 1: Remote part will work 100% ONLY if key is unlocked with TMPro! If your key is unlocked, but you don`t know if it was unlocked using TMPro – unlock it with TMPro again, view connection diagram.
NOTE 2: Your key can be 2 different types – with PCF7341 and with PCF7941. At reading of key TMPro will show PCF7941 for both types. Click here to determine correct type of PCF in your key.
NOTE 3: Software supports also file read from Motorola in BSI, but in this case you must program key by OBD2 for to start car and activate remote. BSI can be read by OBD2 ONLY when there is valid key i.e. job is “Make Spare key”. If ALL KEYS ARE LOST you must remove BSI and read Motorola by testpoints, view connection diagram.
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Alfa Romeo: 159, Brera, Spider
Fiat: Croma
Important Information: Before purchasing the module, make sure you also have the TMPro2 Transponder Key Programmer. This module cannot function independently!